Check back often for news, special offers, and more!

We hope everyone is off to a good start this year.  

Looking forward to 2021, we are still faced with some challenges ahead, but we maintain positive as we continue to build our inventory and fill customer orders.  Unfortunately we still cannot accept new customers yet; it may be another 6 months or more until we have enough inventory to service new accounts.  If you are interested in being contacted once we can set up accounts again, please contact us through the “Contact Us” page and let us know the best way to reach out once more inventory is available. 

For current customers, we are doing our best to fill as many orders as we can, and hope to start getting some backorders out soon.  Orders are still going under a review process, and management must approve all orders before they can ship/be delivered.  Our staff does confirm all orders, and will make sure any reductions or changes are approved by the customer before sending any order. 

We at Apple are staying strong and remain excited about the future.  We also encourage any feedback or questions, and will help in any way we are able.  Thank you.  

– 1/26/21

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

We at Apple Outdoor Supply would like to take a second and wish everybody a very merry Christmas and happy holidays.  It has been a rough year for virtually everyone, but we hope everyone will be fortunate enough to spend time with family and friends this holiday season.  

As a reminder, we will be closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, and New Years Day.  We will continue normal business hours on January 4th.  

– 12/21/20

2021 Catalog Changes

Within the last few weeks we have mailed out our new 2021 issue of our catalog.  The 2021 issue marks a few changes going forward.  First, we are now only publishing a catalog once a year, instead of one in the winter and one in the summer. 

Second, all pricing has been removed from the catalog and from our website.  The main reason for moving to an industry standard priceless catalog is to stay more competitive, we found ourselves giving pricing away to competition and we believe by saving this information for our customers we will be able to offer a better service.  If you need information on pricing, please reach out to us and we will be sure provide all needed information. 

The third major change is our shipping policy.  We will no longer hold orders until complete, each order will be given the option to either backorder or cancel off product that is not immediately available.  Also, each state is assigned to a zone that will have a fixed minimum freight cost, and the capped freight cost will be determined by the total of each order.  Depending on which zone you are assigned, you will pay a certain percentage of your order total.  Your capped amount will also apply to all backorders, so no matter how many backorders are shipped you will never pay more than the fixed percentage of your order.  Because shipping rates are determined by your order total, we will no longer be able to add to backorders.  Of course, if you have any questions regarding our new freight policy, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to explain.

– 11/16/2020

Status for New and Old Customers

We wanted to post an update about our status regarding the acceptance of orders for new and old customers.  We are currently still only able to supply customers whom have ordered between now and July 2019.  However, we are rebuilding our inventory and we are hoping to return to normal around the beginning of the the new year, although no official date has been set, and it will depend on how the market demand continues rise/fall.  We continue to appreciate the support from all our current, old, and potentially new customers, and the understanding of the present circumstances.  Please feel free to direct any questions to us, and we will do our best to full-fill your needs.  Thank you.


– 10/27/2020

We Appreciate all Our Customers

We are continuing to practice some strict inventory control, and we appreciate the understanding and patience everyone has shown.   We are currently only able to fill orders for customers whom have ordered within the last year.  If you have not ordered from us within the last year, then we can add you to our call list and reach out once our inventory levels are back to normal.  For now we are available to answer any questions you may have.  We hope to accept orders from everyone again quite soon, but again we appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding. 

– 8/24/20

Thank you!

We at Apple Outdoor Supply would like to say thank you to all of our customers who are baring with us, and supporting us through these interesting times.  We are doing our best to meet the current market demand, and hold the interest of all our customers high.  We are consistently working with our vendors to have more inventory arrive, and doing everything we can to fill orders as quickly as possible.  Once we find our way through the recent global hardships, we expect to be fully back to normal.  Again, we appriciate your support and understanding.  We hope you and your family are able to stay safe and healthy. 

– 05/14/20

Launch Day!!!

We would like to welcome you to our new and much improved website. We at Apple Outdoor Supply are very excited to share our improved website with new and existing customers. We believe this website will bring a more interactive and helpful shopping experience.

We are not taking orders online, at least not yet. We are using this site as a way to interact and showcase our products and business with our customers. I would also like to mention, this site is still a bit of a work in progress. There are still several catagories of product that need to be updated with descriptions and details. Please excuse our “disorganization”, we will be cleaning up the site as quickly as possible, as well as adding more product photos over the next few weeks.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns about the site or any of our products, please feel free to reach out to us. It will be our pleasure to help you any way we can. Thank you, and we look forward to our business together.

  • Tim C. 4/21/20
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